


/Personal Branding, Thinking BIG and Finishing Strong
WEBNARS Personal Branding, Thinking BIG and Finishing Strong

Webinar conducted

Personal Branding, Thinking BIG and Finishing Strong

30 Sep 2023, 7:30 AM

Zoom Meeting


The world is full of noice. There is noise all over the internet. So, how do you stand out to get noticed? Personal

Branding is the answer.

As one expert said, "If there is nothing very special about your work, no matter how hard you apply yourself you won't get noticed. And you won't get paid much either.

In times past you could be obscure yet secure -- now that's much harder. So what's the trick? There's only one: distinction. Or as we call it, turning yourself into a brand . . .

Brand You."


You can't play small to be taken seriously. Thinking BIG is the new normal. For some of us Thinking BIG could be making our first $10,000, $100,000 or $1million.

Thinking BIG is the only way you can Finish Strong even if you're 15 barely out of school or you're over 60 looking for the next mountain to climb.

Yes, you must stand out as a BRAND. Brand "YOU"

Come Saturday, 30th September, at 8.30am WAT, ahead of Nigeria's independence anniversary celebration, we will be hosting a webinar on Personal Branding, Thinking BIG and Finishing Strong.

This is your special invitation.

Do not say there is nothing to celebrate because the road ahead is paved with hope, pearls and all, if only you knew how to harvest your bounty.


Paul Uduk

Creator, OCCCNA (9,000+ Members

Creator iBMC (Internet Business Mastery Course)




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